Wednesday, May 16, 2018

5 Keys Tips for PEBC Evaluating Exam Prep


Tip#1: Start early! The curriculum is extensive.

Tip#2: First, review the core subject areas ideally in the following order:

1. Biomedical Sciences
2 or 3. Pharmaceutical Sciences
2 or 3. Pharmacy Practice
4. Pharmacy Administration

Tip#3: Take advantage of the POWER of note taking. When you write down something you have a BETTER chance of remembering it! Get a dedicated notebook and write down key learning objectives. Here is a great guide on note taking:

Note Taking Guide

Tip#4. Study as many practice questions as you can! Practice, practice and practice!

Tip#5. Review your written notes. Your notes represent a concise summary of the core subject areas.

Finally, Take the FREE Computer-based EE Readiness Exam at

Disclaimer: These exam review tips are general guidelines and do not in anyway guarantee succeeding any exam.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Exam Strategies for PEBC EE Candidates

-Manage your time wisely
-Read questions carefully
-Attempt the questions that are easiest for you first. Come back and do the harder ones later.
-Circle or underline important terms. Some important terms called modifiers and qualifiers are: only, always, sometimes, rarely, never, none, usually, sometimes, frequently and often
-Try to think of the answer before looking at the options

When you don’t know the answer
-Never leave a question blank
-Eliminate choices you know are incorrect at first glance to narrow the options
-If two of the alternatives are similar, give them your consideration!

Good Luck!!

Disclaimer: These exam strategies are general guidelines and do not in anyway guarantee succeeding any exam.
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CCCEP PTRR Accreditation Renewed

We are pleased to announce that our Pharmacy Technician Regulation Review (PTRR) Accreditation by the Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy (CCCEP) has been renewed!! Canadian Pharmacy Technician Regulation requires succeeding PEBC MCQ and OSPE exams.
To celebrate this significant achievement, CPEPrep has introduced new low subscription fees.
Create an Account and Subscribe at CPEPrep Online

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

PEBC Exams Review Kindle Books


Are you Amazon Prime subscriber? 
Read the following 2018 PEBC Exams Kindle Books for FREE and share with friends! Enjoy!

MCQ Review

Free PEBC Exam Practice Questions

Helping You Prepare for Success! Find All Your Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) Exams EE, MCQ, OSCE, and OSPE Review Books, and Com...